There are thousands of companies in the network marketing industry and MANY have great products – but not all companies achieve – MOMENTUM and exponential growth.
Unfortunately many first timers or inexperienced networkers choose a company based purely on the product and what they personally 'like' rather than what will support their efforts to build a successful business.
This is a BIG mistake!
After 20 years of success in the industry, I personally look at 4 key areas when assessing a company.
These four areas include;
1. The Company
2. The Product
3. The Timing
4. The People you partner with.
If you truly want to achieve MASSIVE success in this industry you need ALL elements to be in place.
You may personally love a product and it could truly be a great product that produces results…. BUT if the other elements are NOT in place you will find yourself grinding and your network marketing success is in jeopardy!
So does the product have to be good? ABSOLUTELY
But until you learn how to assess all 4 areas of a company you are limiting your potential for success.
In future posts I will look at all 4 areas in depth to help educate those of you who are interested. I will also include what makes a GREAT product not just for a customer but for YOU the entrepreneur.
If you have any specific questions don’t hesitate to ask.
Choose your MLM company wisely.
Andre Davids
Professional Network Marketer